The Team

Anthony Deth, PhD

Deth is the lead artist & art director in Coinlandia as well as the father of the modern Dethscale. They create conceptual physical artifacts that emphasize interspecies entanglement and are working to help non-agrarians find pathways into regenerative agriculture and ecosystem restoration.

Assistant Technician Unigoat

Part man, part goat. Over a decade of design experience, which feeds into a generalist mindset and approach to designing and building front-end interfaces. Interests include accessibility, climate change, and the One Coin.

Dr. Helmer Beardsley

Chief Loremaster and Head Writer. Before joining AEGIS he was a playwright, improviser, and seasoned Dungeon Master. He enjoys long walks through the dark the halls of Sanctuary-3, naming places and things, and weaving unprovable fantasies about Coinlandia from his shattered and fractured mind.

twitter: @djMcTurdy


Past lives include full stack developer, product designer, and startup founder. Reborn into this world as a humble plant stuck in an underground office full of crazy scientists.

twitter: @plantdotdev

Professor Doctorman, a.k.a. katzman

What do spacecraft and smart contracts have in common? Once they're launched they're gone. That's why this once rocket scientist turned blockchain dev joined up to bring the most immutable game to chain. Before securing his current, prestigious title, Bachelor Doctorman worked as a lead system engineer on integrated hardware systems. twitter: @stevekatzman, reddit: u/stevieraykatz

Theoretical Architect, a.k.a Mike dot Waves

Mike dot Waves is an attorney and legal engineer, architecting autonomous protocols and advising decentralized projects. Mr. dot Waves is the lead theoretical architect within the AEGIS Corporation, providing creative direction and vision to the COINLANDER project.

twitter: @mikedotwaves

Last updated